Power of One

Each person has different results when they promote their business. Some move like freight trains, and others seem to move like turtles. But that's ok... turtles win races, too!

You may or may not be able to move like lightning. Perphaps you lack some experience, and will need to spend more time learning the techniques, or perphaps you have 3 jobs, and can only find 20 minutes, here and there, to place your ads and do follow ups.

That's alright! I want to take just a very few minutes to show you what can happen if you can find just ONE person, EACH month to get involved with your business system. It may not make you a "gazillionaire" overnight, but can provide a safe, effective way to build a business, and can become very significant in only a year's time. So, let's take a look at what happens if you get just ONE person, each month, and they can do the SAME:

Month One

.....You get one.

Month Two

You, each do the Same.....Now, you have 3 (1 from the month before, plus 2 new members)

Month Three

You, each do the same.....Now, you have 7 (3 from the month before, plus 4 new members)

Month Four

You each do the same.....Now, you have 15 (7 fromthe month before, plus 8 new members)

Month Five

You each do the same. Now, you have 31

Month Six

You each do the same. Now, you have 63

Month Seven

You each do the same. Now, you have 127

Month Eight

You each do the same. Now, you have 255

Month Nine

You each do the same. Now, you have 511

"Oh, LUCY!!! Guess what came in the mail, today!"

Month Ten

You each do the same. Now, you have 1,023

Month Eleven

You each do the same. Now, you have 2,047

Month Twelve

You each do the same. Now, you have 4,095

At this point, your checks are obscenely large. Was it easy? For some, maybe... For others, no. Is this possible? Ask yourself....Can you get ONE person, this month? Can you show them how to do the Same, next month?

This is why duplication is SO CRITICAL to our success. Follow the system! You will find that some of your people can do so much more than one. Others will work very hard to get that first one. But that is alright.

But, what if you can only do about HALF this good? Let's assume that you would lose 50% of your organization for whatever reason. Can you live with over 2,000 people in your organization?

So, let's play out a REALLY harsh scenario where you lost 75% of your group! You would have about 1,000 people in your group, and could be earning about $100K per year depending on the program you are involved. Wouldn't that be terrible? How many jobs do you think would allow us to advance to earnings over $100,000 in the first year?

Not many, I would bet.

Do you thinks it makes sense to follow the above system for the Power of One?

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